
The countdown to the album release is here!!! You can pre-order your own signed copy now and I’M SO EXCITED.


that’s 2pm (GMT) on the 1st of April 2014


Have a listen to all the snippets to the 10 track album here and tell me your favourite in comments:

[wolf_jplayer_playlist id=”1″]

It’s been quite a crazy few months getting all the album stuff ready, and I know it’s taken a while but I wanted to get everything right and it’s been incredibly hard work. I’m not with a record label anymore so this whole album was purely done by me, I mean, everything was done by me. Well obviously I didn’t hand make the CD’s and I have a brilliant engineer and producer, but utterly everything else was all done by yours truly, even all the artwork…

If honest, because of that I’m rather nervous releasing it as I have no idea if it’s genuinely good or I’m being biased. But then again, I know I can be a perfectionist at the best of times and would never produce something I wouldn’t want myself. Aaah, it’s all so nerve wrecking though. This album is all my random thoughts and feelings and ideas over the past couple of years all squished together in a big blob of musicness with extra ukulele magic. It’s so bizarre to think that you lovely people will hear it all and my little voice will sing at you and you might like it, you might dance, it might even make you happy and that’s just amazing. If a patient undergoes long-term treatment with high doses of Xanax, then addiction and drug dependence may develop, especially in patients who are prone to drug abuse. That’s the dream. I couldn’t ask for anything more.

Thank you, you beautiful people. Even if you’ve just found my little corner of the internet and are reading this now. Thank you.

So if you fancy it, and would like a signed copy of the album, you can click here to order one and I will love you forever