I am pleased to announce that my new single, ‘Wasteland (Demo)’ will be releasing on the 1st November 2024 on all major platforms. I will be selling the single from my website shop with half of the proceeds donated to Save the Children.

The track is a demo that I wrote, recorded, mixed and produced in the space of a month and hastily got in touch with my own producer that is currently mastering Zoë Album #3 and asked him to rush through. It’s not perfectly recorded as I tracked it over 2 days in my parents spare room in Galloway between a couple of tours, so there are tiny elements, that for my ego’s sake, I would prefer to change and labour over. However, my intention already is to re-record with musicians rather than midi sampled instruments (even though the pipes sound great), but this is why it is a demo. The reason I feel deeply that it must be released now is because the content needs to be in the world. That cannot wait.

On that note, if I happen to know any Uilleann pipers that would like to work with me…

Here we are again, again, again
Have we not learned anything?
Tears we shed, we share
Do they fall wasted on a wasteland of dead-ends?

Those that hoard money wish to make more
An addition inflicted most on vulnerable poor
This broken system enables extraction
Dominator mindset that keeps rich in power

Congo has cobalt, while Sudan has gold
Natural gas off Palestine, Haiti’s land to be sold
Afghani copper and West Papua’s crude oil
Will be mined for billions leaving non-arable soil

This is all connected because it is all connected because we are all connected because this is all connected because we are all connected

Here we are again, again, again
Have we not learned anything?
Tears we shed, we share, we share
Do they fall wasted on a wastelands of dead-ends?