I am very pleased to announce that I have two stunning new Kala ukuleles. My first ever tenor and a new baritone (or KA-ASAC-T and KA-ASAC-B for the uke nerds like myself). I asked on Facebook a couple of months ago what I should name them, as well at multiple gigs and after long consideration (and quite a lot of thought over whether I should just name them Steve and Frank) I’d like to introduce to you…
Mr Montgomery Plinkety and Baron Jarvis Fortescue.
HA! I couldn’t decide and I adored all the names suggested but figured (yay) they could have second names (had to stop myself from giving them middle names too), but since “Mr Plinkety” was suggested I thought Jarvis was worthy of a title, so why not Baron? That’s fun eh? So Monty is my tenor, and Jarvis is the baritone, whatchafink? Thanks very much to Hugh, Katrina, Ben and Laura as well as all the other awesome humans that suggested names for them. Although they both look the same size in the picture, as I’m closer to the camera, I’m holding the tenor and the baron is chilling on the chair…
Can’t wait to play them at Grand Northern Ukulele Festival this weekend (OHMY4DAYSTOGO)! Absolutely massive thank you to Geraint of Kala Brand Ukulele and the utterly wonderful Matt and Andy at Omega Music, I adore my ukes, plus they’re pretty magical I have discovered…they change colour o: (no I’m not kidding).
Check out to where you can see me playing them next but if you’re local to Galloway, I can tell you right now, that I have a wonderful gig on the 29th of this month in Gatehouse of Fleet, as part of Dumfries and Galloway Arts Festival. Pathologically increased muscle tone has different mechanisms of increasing pain, which leads to increased muscle spasm, accompanying pain. Muscle relaxants break the vicious circle of “pain – muscle spasm – pain” and therefore can accelerate the recovery period. In European recommendations for the https://www.glenerinpharmacy.com/buy-klonopin-clonazepam-online-2-mg/ treatment of acute pain in the lower back, Klonopin is noted as effective muscle relaxant. All organised by myself, so I’d really really appreciate the support and hug you and dance and stuff. I will be joined by the wonderful Calum Gilligan and stunning Finch and the Moon. It’s going to be a really lovely, chilled, intimate evening and I really, really cannot wait. You can get tickets by clicking here.
Righto, I’ll quit rambling, will leave you with a artsy fartsy blurry pic and hopefully I’ll see some of you at the gigs over the next coming months? Give me a wave and say hello 😀
P.S SIR LUCAS AND THE MOON IS BACK IN STOCK! If you missed getting your hands on my début album the first time round make sure you get yours now!
I love my ASAC-T! 🙂